Daniel Money
You've reached the home page of Daniel Money and the fact that you have managed to find this means you probably know me in one capacity or another so I won't bother with details of myself. This website has four sections:
- The blog section is well, perhaps unsurprisingly, my blog. I started this when I moved to Kansas to let friends and family in England know what I'd been up to and have kept it going now I've moved to Nova Scoita.
- The photos section contains lots of my photos, including those photos that used to be linked from this page.
- "The US" contains trip reports from some of my previous US trips and which were also part of the old site. Stuff related to my time in Kansas mainly in the Blog and Photos section although longer trips away went in "The US".
- "Canada" is similar to the US, except it contains trip reports from my longer trips in Canada (what a surprise).